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每当先进的发展制度开始取代落后的发展制度时,整个世界格局就会进入重大的转换阶段。在中国五千年的发展历史中,有两次重大的历史变局完全改变了中国历史发展轨迹并深远地影响了当前中国的发展模式。新时代下的中国作为前两次历史变局影响的客体,曾经既是先进发展制度取代落后发展制度的受益者,也经历过作为落后发展制度主体而被先进发展制度冲击的过程。目前世界正处于第三次先进发展制度与落后发展制度交替的历史变局阶段,作为第三次重大历史变局的主体,在三次千年历史变局叠加的背景下,能否有效地认识、适应并改造利用前两次历史变局的经验与教训,构建系统性、科学性、可行性、领先性的中国特色社会主义制度,将决定中国在本次历史变局中能否顺利成为先进发展制度的主体从而实现民族复兴。  相似文献   

Scholarly textbooks often follow a logic where suitable empirical cases are selected to illustrate the theoretical and analytical points that we as scholars want to make. But what would happen if we would do the opposite: build a textbook on a novel written by a novelist for such purpose and let the theories explain the actions and emotions of fictional characters? In this article, we share and reflect upon our experiences of co-authoring a textbook in organization theory together with a professional novelist. We argue that the novel can function as an eye-opener in organizational analysis, forcing us to look beyond more static and rationalistic perspectives on organizations as well as the stereotypes of such. We build and relate our experiences to the growing literature about using fiction in scholarly work and discuss the potential of such genre-bending work when we bring in flesh and blood into the analyses.  相似文献   

The migration of the Chinese community to Malacca in the 16th century has enabled the process of cross culturing and culinary acculturation, producing a unique mixture of Baba Nyonya food. Even though Baba Nyonya food is pretty much has been localised (Malay), its Chinese representation cannot be denied. This study aims to assess how the acculturation of the Baba Nyonya community affects Malacca food identity. A quantitative methodology is employed in this study. This study classifies Baba Nyonya food acculturation through (1) types of food; (2) methods of cooking; (3) ingredients; and (4) eating decorum. From the regression analysis, this study found that Baba Nyonya cultural polarity explains significant variation in the formation of Malacca food identity. This study then elaborates on the importance of Baba Nyonya food in Malacca destination branding.  相似文献   
This study develops a robust automatic algorithm for clustering probability density functions based on the previous research. Unlike other existing methods that often pre-determine the number of clusters, this method can self-organize data groups based on the original data structure. The proposed clustering method is also robust in regards to noise. Three examples of synthetic data and a real-world COREL dataset are utilized to illustrate the accurateness and effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
汉字作为一种书写形体,笔画组合的丰富多样和间架结构的灵活多变,而使其“字形”成为复杂的美学构成,“书写”成为“书法”,并完成从造字到造形的转变。书法是汉字书写艺术,书法艺术深藏于汉字独特的形体结构之中。三位一体的整体架构、二维方块结体、平衡对称等汉字在形体构造上的诗性特征,既是人们对文字形体的一种审美预期,也是书法学家在书法创作时努力追求的美感。  相似文献   
儿童文学的"游戏精神"主要是指在儿童作品文本中体现出的、通过人物游戏所传递的一种符合儿童心理需求和审美旨趣,并实现儿童内心愿望的精神。周作人认为儿童文学的游戏精神是"幻想精神""愉悦精神"和"自由精神"。儿童文学游戏精神具有快乐性、幻想性和自由性的三性特征"。游戏精神"在儿童文学中作品的主要呈现形式为:通过"顽童""小大人""、反派"等人物形象的塑造凸显游戏精神;通过故事情节蕴涵的笨拙与聪明、嬉笑与吵闹、虚拟与真实凸显游戏精神;通过语言夸张凸显荒诞美、语言颠倒凸显逆向思维、语言突转凸显惊奇,从而凸显游戏精神。游戏精神对于儿童文学作品编创的意义在于:游戏精神是儿童文学的基本属性和内涵所在,新媒介时代儿童文学的发展需要延续游戏精神。因此游戏精神是儿童文学的作品编创的重要依据和准则。  相似文献   
威廉·坦普尔爵士园林思想的研究,一直是学术界研究的薄弱之处。实际上,坦普尔在《论伊壁鸠鲁的园林,或论园艺》中系统地探讨了园林的起源、伦理意义和审美形态等问题。他从病原学的角度出发,把园林作为治疗人们过剩欲望的理想之地。他虽然赞同伊壁鸠鲁主义的退隐思想,却从政治德性、顺从自然、自由选择3个方面阐述了园林的退隐伦理。在园林之美上,他认为美在于形式,但是这种形式既包括欧洲的规则式之美,也包括中国的不规则之美。坦普尔的园林理论对我国当下的疗养院园林、私家园林的建设等有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
为了解大学生在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控期间的焦虑状况,采用汉密顿焦虑量表(HAMA),对四川、云南、重庆三省(直辖市)的3 178名大学生进行在线问卷测试。结果发现:新冠肺炎疫情防控期间大学生焦虑水平高于常模,并且与大学生的性别、就读学历层次、就读学科、每日上网时间等存在显著相关性。其中,28.48%的大学生还可能有严重焦虑;女性、专科层次、尚不清楚就读学科的大学生群体焦虑水平更为明显;精神性焦虑是新冠肺炎疫情防控期间大学生焦虑的主要特质;每日上网时间与大学生精神性焦虑水平呈显著正相关。在公共卫生事件突发时期,应积极关注大学生的心理健康状态,采取针对性措施加以有效疏导和干预,促进其心理健康发展。  相似文献   
张媚玲  邹念琴 《民族学刊》2018,9(4):39-49, 108-111
关于泰-傣诸族群的问题,国内外学者已有了百余年的研究,主要侧重于环东南沿海直至与云南、东南亚相连接区域,且国别区隔明显。对于滇藏缅印交角地区泰-傣诸族群的研究,尚未得见系统、整体性的成果面世。本文拟围绕涉及该交角区泰-傣诸族群的族源、迁徙流动及族际关系等三个方面的零散研究进行梳理并加以评述,以期从整体联动性的视野对泰-傣诸族群在滇藏缅印交角区的研究空间做进一步深入拓展,同时,针对后续研究提出建议:族源问题有待进一步廓清;以地缘政治及文明交汇区域为整体历史背景的长时段探究有待开启;相关文献资料的搜集、翻译和整理有待深化;小尺度地域空间的微观研究有待推进;开展多学科交叉的综合研究。  相似文献   
When developing Community Mental Health Services to support people with psychiatric disabilities, European countries are advocating evidence based practice (EBP ). Individual Placement and Support (IPS ) is an evidence based model designed to support people in acquiring and maintaining competitive employment. Implementation science is a growing research field, with a focus on components that impact the process of implementing EBP programmes. In this multiple case study, we have followed three IPS demonstration sites for two years, in order to describe and analyze barriers and facilitators for implementation, according to constructs described in the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (Damschroder et al. 2009 ). The results highlight the importance of strategic networking, as well as the need for planning and preparations carried out before the start of an EBP programme, since deficiencies related to these constructs are difficult to compensate for.   相似文献   
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